Why do you need a password manager?
No more cumbersome spreadsheets. Supercharge your filing team with InsCipher Connect®.
Managing passwords for multiple licenses in multiple states can be overwhelming. Storing them in unsecured spreadsheets is also a risk. Additionally, when a password is changed, it isn’t always updated in your spreadsheet. This can make it difficult to access your account in the future. Here at InsCipher, we have developed a new solution to help you navigate these difficulties.
What is InsCipher Password Manager?
“Password Manager” is the name of our brand-new feature in Connect. It allows you to store and manage your surplus lines tax filing usernames and passwords all in one secure/encrypted location.
Our new feature will allow you to store login credentials in a place that is safer than the unsecured spreadsheets you may currently be using.
With Password Manager, you no longer need to scour your spreadsheets for the right state website login credentials. Our storage system will present the relevant username and password combination associated with the surplus lines license you are reporting on, whether it be for your agency or producer in a particular state.
Password Manager allows login credentials to be made available to you as a filer when and where you need them. This applies to filing, e-filing, reports, or payments on the various state websites. The Password Manager also tracks all changes made to passwords and allows for the storage of other state credentials.
How does it work?
Your existing usernames/passwords for e-filing that are stored in the Agency Admin users’ settings will be migrated automatically for you to the Password Manager list page. If you wish to view these passwords, please go to Setup > Password Manager. Should you need to set up new states, we have updated each article related to the setup of E-filing for each state. Please refer to these guides. If you need instructions on how to add/edit passwords using this new “Password Manager” tool, you can read them here.

How are my passwords secured?

The Case for InsCipher Connect®
Centralize filing activity with our cloud-based platform, providing transparency for decentralized agencies or those with a high filing volume.
✔ E-File to State Surplus Lines offices in large batches, avoiding tedious manual entry.
✔ Avoid missed deadlines with automatic filing and payment tracker.
✔ Automatically reconcile and validate filings before submission.
✔ Instantly generate accurate reports and OPTins forms using our automated report creator tools.
✔ Instantly and accurately calculate surplus lines taxes.
✔ Access our database of tax compliance tools, maintained in real-time by our sizeable compliance department.