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Surplus Lines Tax Filing Software

Learn how InsCipher automates agencies' surplus lines tax filing to save time and eliminate costly penalties and fees

Take the first step in easing the burden of surplus lines taxes.
Get InsCipher's expert help—fast!

Surplus Lines Tax Filing Software

No more cumbersome spreadsheets. Supercharge your filing team with InsCipher Connect®.


Is your non-admitted insurance business taking off? Are you thinking about bringing on more surplus lines filers? Is your team missing deadlines and accruing penalties and fees for late or inaccurate filings? We've developed a software platform to increase filing velocity, all while reducing time researching excess and surplus tax compliance. 

Easy Integration Options
to the InsCipher Platform

Insurance Tax Submission

Our cloud-based filing portal makes getting policy data easy.

Map of InsCipher Surplus Lines Tax Automations

InsCipher Connect offers automated filing solutions in almost every state

Stop Missing
Filing Deadlines

InsCipher Surplus Lines Tax Reporting Calendar
InsCipher Surplus Lines Tax Reporting Calendar

Automated and Customized Filing Calendar.

Automate Surplus Lines Filing and Reporting 


The Case for InsCipher Connect®

Centralize filing activity with our cloud-based platform, providing transparency for decentralized agencies or those with a high filing volume.

✔ E-File to State Surplus Lines offices in large batches, avoiding tedious manual entry.

Avoid missed deadlines with automatic filing and payment tracker.

✔ Automatically reconcile and validate filings before submission.

Instantly generate accurate reports and OPTins forms using our automated report creator tools.

✔ Instantly and accurately calculate surplus lines taxes.

✔ Access our database of tax compliance tools, maintained in real-time by our sizeable compliance department.

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See what our clients are saying

"Before we started using the InsCipher surplus lines management system, I was always worried that there was some surplus lines report or payment I was forgetting—not anymore. I sleep much better knowing InsCipher is tracking these things for me"



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